Kata:Going Green

From architectural katas solutions


A large electronics store wants to get into the electronics recycling business and needs a new system to support it. Customers can send in their small personal electronic equipment (or use local kiosks at the mall) and possibly get money for their used equipment if it is in working condition.


Hundreds, hopefully thousands to millions


  • Customers can get a quote for used personal electronic equipment (phones, cameras, etc.) either through the web or a kiosk at a mall.
  • Customers will receive a box in the mail, send in their electronic, and if it is in good working order receive a check.
  • Once the equipment is received, it is assessed (inspected) to determine if it can be either recycled (destroyed safely) or sold (eBay, etc.).
  • The company anticipates adding 5-10 new types of electronic that they will accept each month.
  • Each type of electronic has its own set of rules for quoting and assessment.

Additional Context

  • This is a highly competitive business and is a new line of business for us
  • If we haven’t received a type of electronic equipment in a year we will remove it from our system
  • We need to maintain a list of electronic equipment we are willing to accept as it changes often
  • Each piece of equipment has it’s own assessment (inspection) rules
  • We have the right to change the original quote to the customer if the product isn’t in the condition they said it was


Neal Ford

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Solution:Going Green

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