Main Page

From architectural katas solutions


In a nutshell, an architectural Kata is an exercise where a set of requirements is given and it will be needed to produce some documentation (usually diagrams are preferred over words) that explains the software solution.
this wiki contains some sample solutions for the architectural Katas from Ted Neward's website
you can find the complete list of the Katas in this GitHub repo tedneward/ArchKatas
Of course, you are welcome to add more katas, just remember to add them in the Kata namespace by writing the kata name in the URL bar after the index.php/ preceded with the Kata: prefix, for example
Kata:My Kata


the aim of the wiki is to practice architectural katas with all the wiki contributors,
every kata can have virtually infinite solutions, so feel free to add your own solution.
On each kata page, there is a link to create your own solution that will create a page with the following naming convention:


To create pages on the wiki you need to request an Account using this link or on the top right of this page.
This Wiki is based on the Mediawiki platform, if you need help in writing wiki pages, feel free to go to
If you need help uploading your diagram images:
When uploading your diagram images please use the following naming convention:
If you need help using your diagram images in the wiki pages:

Katas List

